2025 Kia K4 GT-Line Turbo FWD Automatic
* While we make every effort to ensure the data listed here is correct, there may be instances where some of the pricing, options or vehicle features may be listed incorrectly as we get data from multiple data sources. Please confirm the details of this vehicle with the dealer to ensure its accuracy. Dealer cannot be held liable for data that is listed incorrectly. Price does include $799 processing fee. Includes Freight. Does not include tax, tag, dealer adjustment, processing. **Price does not include tag fee, local or state taxes. New vehicle pricing includes all offers and incentives. Tax, Title, and Tags not included in vehicle prices shown and must be paid by the purchaser. Any and all new inventory listings must be presented to salesperson at time of write-up and all sale pricing includes all rebates and incentives applicable from Kia Motors America, may vary based on zip code and may require customer financing through KMA, with approved credit. Internet sale price may not be valid for special financing customers. While great effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the information on this site, errors do occur so please verify information with a customer service representative. This is easily done by calling us at (423) 855-1022 or by visiting us at the dealership. ***With approved credit. Terms may vary. Monthly payments are only estimates derived from the vehicle price with a 72 month term, 4.9% interest and 20% downpayment.